Monday, May 21, 2012

Do video games companies even care anymore?

I could make this blog short and sweet and simply put NO but what would be the fun in that.  I believe we as gamers have spoiled the industry to the point that we have created a monster.  A monster that keeps putting out the same cookie cutter game year in and year out with little to no improvements.  A monster that rarely listens to its own community of gamers who have shelled out upwards of 70$+ for their product.  A monster that takes and takes and gives NOTHING in return.  Let's tackle these one by one shall we?

Call of Duty, Madden, NBA 2K and Medal of Honor are just a few of the titles that year in and year out basically put out the same exact game with a little tweaks here and there.  There is no desire to reinvent the franchise or take a chance that could work out perfect or set back the franchise a year.  The game plan is basically just put out the same game, collect each persons 60$ and start working on the next game or DLC.

And by running this game plan, this means that the community of gamers who purchase this product voices go unheard more often than not. In an economy where most are struggling to get by paycheck to paycheck.....if their lucky, it's insulting that simple request that would help balance a game go unheard yet silly things that really don't matter get addressed right off.

Another thing this monster that we created has done in the SAME economy I just talked about is price DLC at  very unreasonable rates and not even once offer any of it for free as a thanks to the loyal people who has purchased their game for years.  15$ for 3-4 maps is uncalled for and insulting.  Also releasing every 2-3 months, which will bring gamers to spending just over 120$+ on one game before the new one comes out a year later to repeat the cycle.  The real insult comes from releasing maps that was previously on older games and not making those free.  In the last 5 Call of Duty, 1 MAP WAS FREE....1!!!  I do not count the recently released Face-Off maps due to the fact that you can only play those in one game type.  

Sadly, we, the gamers are to blame for this because we buy them.  We don't take a stand and demand something in return for years of playing their game.  Even if it was just 1 map pack free per game, that is at least a step in the right direction.  But alas we have spoiled the developers and companies by continuing to buy all the products even if it was our last dime.  Until we finally buck the trend and stand up to the companies, this is a problem I fear won't go away.

As always, feel free to comment or add to this discussion, even if you disagree, I welcome all opinions as there is no wrong answers to opinions.  Also feel free to toss some ideas for the next blog I do.  I want to make these at least every other day or as a topic comes along I want to discuss hits the news.

Til then....take care.

1 comment:

  1. This of course doesn't even BEGIN to scratch the surface with the things wrong with the business of gaming.
